发布时间:2015-10-26 03:38:41
The business inspection delegation group of the seventh session of chinese vehicle rental industry was made up of 16 people, which was led by president Linxinggong, Meneng stock control group and the chairman of shenzheng car rental association, Madam Liangyanqin, Vice director of the rental association of Chinese taxi industry, has participated the annual American car rental exhibition on April 13th at local time of Las Vegas, shanghai longhao car rental company has also been invited to participate in this inspection.
The inspection of this period is divided into three groups as A. B. C. and you can try out the car rental service of Hertz, Enterprise and Avis respectively in the car rental center at the airport of Las Vegas.
由本次的商务团长(在美国汽车租赁行业工作11年的戈刚先生)亲自带团讲解,并参观Avis等公司整套租车流水线,并聆听Payless 汽车租赁公司经理Duke先生为代表团准备的精彩现场讲解。得到最高规格接待。全程有专家讲解。从完整的预定、支付、取车、用车、还车一整套流程,深度体验美国租车的方方面面。参观Avis租车服务和接单处理流程,体验前台服务和后台管理流程。与客服人员、业务处理人员、管理人员现场互动!
Led and commented personally by the business group director of this time ( Mr Gegang, with 11 years of working experiences in American car rental industry) and the group also visited a whole set of car rental flowing line of Avis company, listened to the wonderful comments prepared specially for the delegations by Mr Duke, the manager of car rental company of Payless and was also entertained with the maximum specification. The experts made a detailed explanation during all the process by introducing a whole set of procedures. We can fully experience all kinds of aspects of American car rental service in depth. from complete reservation, payment, withdrawing the vehicles, using the vehicles and returning the vehicles and visit the car rental service of Avis and handle procedures of receiving orders, experience the reception service and backstage management procedure as well as interact with customer service staffs, the business handling staffs and management staffs actively on the scene。
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